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Adding second first name: first name change

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Auteur: Carla Simmelink


Laatste update:

By now, many people are familiar with the ability to change a first name. What is less known is that changing a middle or third given name is also possible. This all falls under the heading of “change first name.”

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Adding second first name: first name change

By now, many people are familiar with the ability to change a first name. What is less known is that changing a middle or third given name is also possible. This all falls under the heading of“change first name.”

Good reason needed for a change

Having valid reasons for wanting to change is important. A second name may be removed because, for example, it is a name named after someone you do not know or that person reminds you of unpleasant period in the past. You don’t want to relive that all the time. Sometimes even pronouncing your chosen first name is no longer possible. In short, you want to get rid of this second (or third) first name.

Adding a second first name to your first name usually has to do with changing the first first name to the second first name, creating a new first first name.

Adding an additional first name is also requested quite often because that very first name is used to honor or remember a loved one with whom you have or had a special connection.

You may also have another reason for a name change. Similarly, it is possible to change a middle name because its spelling is incorrect, for example.

How can the change be requested?

Filing a request with the court to add or remove a second (or third) first name is necessary to change the first name. For this, you will also need a lawyer to draft the petition for the court.

The court assesses whether there is a sufficiently compelling interest to change the first name.

Upon a positive evaluation by the court, the deleted or added second (or third) given name is officially registered in the civil registry records of the municipality.

You do not have to do anything for the registration; the registrar will take care of it.

Dutch nationality is not required

Changing a first name does not require you to have Dutch nationality. This is also possible if you have a temporary or permanent residence permit in the Netherlands and you have a foreign first name.

Changing first name when obtaining X status

Recently, Simmelink Law Firm has assisted several people in the process of obtaining X status. Since a gender-neutral request almost always involves a different first name being more appropriate, the application for X status is combined with a first name change request.

Change first name? The lawyers at Simmelink specialize in these matters

If you would like to learn more about a first name change, please contact our office. We cooperate with all courts in the Netherlands in this regard. We will be happy to assist you.