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Stories from the lawyer's practice

Transparent communication and clear rates
Legal expertise and experience
Personal guidance and good accessibility

On this page you can read stories from our practice, they will give you an idea of what we help our clients with.

They are based on client cases where we always use fictitious names of people. We consider people’s privacy most important, therefore similarities with your situation or in your environment are based on coincidence.

trotse man passende voornaam | Simmelink Advocaten B.V.

A matching first name to one’s identity: Moos’ story

Learn about Moos’ journey to officially changing his first name to one that better fits his identity and how this has made him more confident.
vrouw paspoort spelfout voornaam | Simmelink Advocaten B.V.

Repair spelling error first name: Maries story

Find out how we supported Marie in correcting a spelling error in her name, so she can now proudly wear her correct name on all her official documents.
Opa kleinzoon voornaam toevoegen dierbare | Simmelink Advocaten B.V.

Adding additional first name as a tribute to loved one: Boris’ story

Read how we helped Boris’ parents add the name of his beloved grandfather as a middle name, allowing Boris to bring a lasting tribute to his grandfather.
voornaam met typemachine wijzigen of toevoeven van voornaam bij advocatenkantoor simmelink | Simmelink Advocaten B.V.

Adding second first name: first name change

By now, many people are familiar with the ability to change a first name. What is less known is that changing a middle or third given name is also possible. This all falls under the heading of “change first name.”
vader met zoon op het strand e1697297921787 | Simmelink Advocaten B.V.

Acknowledgement of Paternity by Foreign Husband of Dutch Child

Thomas, who lives in Australia, finds out after 10 years that he has a son in the Netherlands. He tries to have his paternity legally acknowledged, despite the boy’s mother not agreeing.

An international separation in the Netherlands, Germany, Australia and South Africa

A divorce in which both partners live in the Netherlands can already be quite complex. But the following case shows a rather complicated divorce story. This is an international divorce involving the Netherlands, Germany, Australia and South Africa. The proceedings have stalled abroad and both parties are unsure what to do with this now.

Moving to the other side of the country after divorce?

When parents get divorced, it is common to find homes near each other so that children can easily visit both parents. But sometimes it happens than one of the parents wants to live further away, sometimes even on the other side of the country.
Een oudere man met boeken, mogelijk nadenkend over zijn testament en nalatenschap.

Beneficiary acceptance: how we helped Julia make a wise and safe choice

Julia’s uncle died, and he named her an heir in his will. Although she was grateful for some bequests, she knew little about his financial estate, including possible debts and inheritance taxes.
Treurige man die onterfd is.

Disinherited child and the right to the legitimate portion

Bas was disinherited by his parents, but despite deteriorating family relations, he is entitled to a legitimate portion, which amounts to half of his normal inheritance. Within inheritance law, children are protected from complete disinheritance.
alimentatie berekenen simmelink

Kinderalimentatie berekenen bij inkomensstijging van ex-partner

Wanneer een ex-partner een inkomensstijging ervaart, kan dit de kinderalimentatie beïnvloeden. In dit artikel leggen we uit hoe de alimentatie wordt herberekend op basis van actuele financiële gegevens en veranderde behoeften van het kind.