Explore Simmelink Law Firm’s blog page on family law, inheritance law and employment law.
We have a collection of current articles with experiences from our practice and more legally substantive articles.
Our goal is to share our expertise and insights on various legal topics with you so that you are always aware of your rights and available legal options.
An international separation in the Netherlands, Germany, Australia and South Africa
A divorce in which both partners live in the Netherlands can already be quite complex. But the following case shows a rather complicated divorce story. This is an international divorce involving the Netherlands, Germany, Australia and South Africa. The proceedings have stalled abroad and both parties are unsure what to do with this now.
Disinherited child and the right to the legitimate portion
Bas was disinherited by his parents, but despite deteriorating family relations, he is entitled to a legitimate portion, which amounts to half of his normal inheritance.
Within inheritance law, children are protected from complete disinheritance.
Kinderalimentatie berekenen bij inkomensstijging van ex-partner
Wanneer een ex-partner een inkomensstijging ervaart, kan dit de kinderalimentatie beïnvloeden. In dit artikel leggen we uit hoe de alimentatie wordt herberekend op basis van actuele financiële gegevens en veranderde behoeften van het kind.